
Friday, March 27, 2015

Judge Daley: Justice Bradley the center...the key to the courts dysfunction. Forcing a man to choked her was the last straw.

What is it about the media in Wisconsin?

For months now supreme court challenger Judge James Daley has been blaming the victim, Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, for the abuse she suffered at the hands of Justice David Prosser. And no one outraged?

Personally, I found Daley's comments from tonight's debate breathtakingly misogynistic. If only women knew their place, and didn't provoke others with their opinions. This is insane behavior:

And the Journal Sentinel's Jason Stein said nothing.

1 comment:

  1. Let's not forget Prosser also called Justice Shirlley Abrahamson a bitch and threatenws to destroy her.

    Kind of lines up with changes the Supreme Court being considered before the WI legislature.

    Makes one wonder if lawmakers are doing Prosser's bidding, doesn't it?
