
Friday, January 2, 2015

The best fire pit ever: "Now you too can watch the Death Star go up in flames."

A little late for Christmas, but still, if you've got gads of extra cash left over why not splurge on this?

The Force is strong with an 84-year-old New Mexico man, Kenneth Triplett, who recently whipped up a steel fire pit made to resemble the Death Star from "Star Wars." He did so at the request of his granddaughter, a Reddit user named Jennifer Allison. “He has little knowledge of 'Star Wars' or just how awesome this is," she said.

Other people seem to know exactly how awesome it is. In fact, the fire pit proved to be so popular Allison soon threw up an Etsy page that lets anyone who wants to peer into the fiery heart of the Death Star get their very own version. It'll cost $1,600 plus between $300-$600 for shipping to US destinations only, but really, what price can you put on being able to tell your friends that you're firing up the Death Star in your backyard tonight?

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