
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Scott Walker keeps Wisconsin on Coal Power, complains Gas and Renewable Energy would cost too much.

There are consequences for not helping Wisconsin embrace a strong clean energy plan.

Instead of making our own energy, as opposed to importing it from out-of-state suppliers, Scott Walker has sent a clear message to wind and solar manufactures and installers that alternative energy is not welcome here. His crony filled PSC just raised rates on customers in a way that discourages the spread of solar and energy savings.

So now Walker is whining about the cost of sticking coal. Go figure. He’s not a smart man:
The Republican governor said the proposed rule would have a detrimental effect on Wisconsin’s manufacturing-based economy, as well as household ratepayers. Those ratepayers, however, already are seeing rate increases from the utilities under Walker's watch.  Walker said the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin said the proposed rule would cost the state … which recently approved a rate hike for Milwaukee area electricity customers.

He added Wisconsin obtains more than half its electricity from coal and shifting to natural gas will jeopardize reliability. An EPA spokeswoman issued a statement saying any small price increases would be dwarfed by huge benefits and it’s too early to make reliability claims since states haven’t developed implementation plans.
Too early is an understatement. By 2030 we’ll probably be phasing out solar and wind for the energy rich dilithium crystal.

Walker found himself lying again, claiming an increase in energy efficiency – that program went away – and increase renewable energy usage – he’s doing everything he can to kill that.   
Walker, in his statement, said, “Wisconsin has invested approximately $10.5 billion over the past 15 years to help reduce CO2 emissions, increase renewable energy usage and energy efficiency, and install air pollution control equipment."
Oh sure, Walker wants you to forget this:
Focus had suspended renewables incentives in 2011, for one year, after the PSC concluded it had been spending too much on renewables, which don't provide as strong a payback that energy-saving efficiency projects do. We Energies and Renew Wisconsin have been at odds since We Energies terminated a renewable energy development program that provided incentives for churches and nonprofit groups to add solar. Utilities are also opposing moves to allow companies to build and own the solar panels that are on customers' rooftops.

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