
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Walker admits attack on Burke's supposed outsourcing is his way of "trying to have it about anything other than his record."

From the Journal Sentinel's Dan Bice, the Washington Post's Dan Balz, and now the State Journal’s Jessie Opoien, it’s important to point out how Scott Walker is covering up his own bad four year record with his all-out attack on Mary Burke. She supposedly outsourced jobs at Trek, even though she wasn’t there when Trek made that decision. By Walker’s own admission, he is intentionally trying to distract and cover-up his record.

Walker’s recent ad states: "Mary Burke: Job creator? Not so much."

Got it. So what's the real reason for bashing outsourcing?
Walker told the WaPo that President Barack Obama's outsourcing-related attacks on Republican candidate Mitt Romney were launched as a distraction from the president's "horrible" record. "The president’s team desperately does not want to run on his record, so they are desperately trying to have it about anything other than his record. He’s got to be forceful about fighting back.”
Political Strategy Clarified: Walker's scheme to attack Burke for "outsourcing jobs" is, in his own words, Walker "desperately trying to have it about anything other than his record."

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