
Friday, July 18, 2014

Mary Burke ad takes on Business Bashing Gov. Walker, who has his own big Off Shoring Problem.

Here's the latest ad and response to our business bashing governor, Scott Walker, the guy who says he's open for businesses...willing to pay into his campaign chest. The "fairy tale" Walker told about off shored jobs at Trek ran into the wall of reality with the revelation WEDC Chairman Walker off shored business himself:
WKOW News: At least two companies that received financial awards from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) later outsourced jobs to foreign countries, with one of those companies receiving a second WEDC award after the fact.
Here's Mary Burke's ad:

WKOW's Greg Neumann detailed Walker's problem with Trek, and how he pulled the company from a WEDC ad campaign that touted Trek as one of five world class companies. Petty and small:

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