
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Mothers seeking Walker Pardon to get teaching job, for crime when she was 17, out of luck he says!

What's sociopathic? Scott Walker's refusal to pardon hard working people who deserve a break.

"Where do you draw the line" he said about those who may deserve a pardon but still won't get one as long as he's  governor. After all, we've all seen how some pardons have negatively affected political careers, and as we all know, Walker can't take any chances if he's running for president.

So people who want live out their dream career, can't. WISC Channel3000:

A young woman whose criminal past (when she was 17) now haunts her job search said she wants the governor to reconsider whether to offer pardons. Gov. Scott Walker shut down the program indefinitely after taking office ... Criminals who have served their time typically can apply for a pardon, which is an official act of forgiveness by the governor that also can restore rights of a felon. 
Republicans like Walker aren't into forgiveness, they're into punishment and teaching Americans hard lessons. Walker's okay with sending dedicated people into lousy jobs:
Walker has said he won't exercise that power, and some felons said that is preventing them from getting a job or moving on with their lives. The move has even gotten recent attention in The New York Times, which profiled Madison resident and veteran Eric Pizer, whose 2004 felony battery conviction is preventing him from getting a job as a police officer because he can't carry a firearm.

News 3 asked if it was a job creation issue, given that both of these cases involved people who can't pursue their careers. "No, they can get jobs, they just can't get jobs in an area that prevents them access because of their felony conviction," Walker said. "But they are not limited in other ways."
And like every job the GOP is focusing on creating, low wage no benefit work, Walker is determined to add many more fast food workers:
Jessica Cranfield of Chippewa Falls is now married with children and in school working toward a bachelor's degree in education, but said she's unlikely to get her desired job as a teacher. Cranfield said the felony conviction hasn't cost her low-level jobs. "I can get a job at McDonald's, but I don't see why what I did when I was 17 should limit me to that," Cranfield said. 

1 comment:

  1. "I don't see why what I did when I was 17 should limit me to that."

    Well this is the problem in a nutshell. A lot of people today don't understand why their past behavior should limit them in their future. Here is a tip - don't commit a felony.
