
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Republicans still lying about ObamaCare savings, success and expanded coverage.

It doesn't matter what the facts tells us, my conservative friend in Milwaukee is sticking to his belief that small government means getting rid of ObamaCare, and its only making things worse. The charts below tell us a whole different story. But Republicans shouldn't be able to lie so easily about the facts, and conservative voters should be angry about being mislead. Why aren't they? 
AP: President Barack Obama's nominee for health secretary faced pointed questioning Thursday from Republican senators over the president's health law ... Sylvia Mathews Burwell, told senators that the law has improved the economy, held down the growth of health costs, reduced premiums and expanded coverage. The law "is making a positive difference," Burwell said.

Republican senators disagreed. The top committee Republican, Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, warned her that Republicans hope to retake the Senate in November and scale back the law in numerous ways. "Republicans want to repair the damage Obamacare has done," Alexander said.
Alexander gets a big F on that one. 

Readmission Rates Down: The new figures, published Wednesday by Health and Human Services, show that Medicare readmission rates — which held steady at 19 percent from 2007 to 2011 — fell to 18.5 percent in 2012 and 17.5 percent in 2013. The drop in readmissions has coincided with the start of a new Obamacare program that penalizes hospitals that have the highest readmission rates. Hospitals can now lose as much as 2.5 percent of their Medicare revenue if they have lots of patients turning up in the hospital again. One analysis showed that hospitals have lost $227 million in fines because of this program.

ObamaCare Saves More Money: The federal government thinks it will spend $900 billion less on health care programs over the next decade than it projected just three years ago, according to a new analysis from the Committee for a Responsible Fiscal Budget. The CFRB analysis of Congressional Budget Office data suggests that about 80 percent in the expected reduction in health spending is due to the fact that health care costs grew really slowly for the past four years. But by and large, most of the spending reduction comes from the fact that health care costs have grown slower than expected — a huge boon for a country that also happens to be a massive health insurer.

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