
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Scott Walker emails hit national news!!! "They've gone through a legal process..." says Walker, so there's nothing to see.

The one thing to remember about the emails showing Scott Walker knew more than he was willing to disclose, is that because the legal standard is so much higher for an arrest, there still wasn't enough to press charges. And because there's no proof Walker "did anything," there's no reason to think he didn't know. 

And knowing a big story when he sees it, MSNBC's Chris Hayes led with the Walker story, and got lots and lots of help from The Progressive's Ruth Conniff. The country is now about to get to know the real Walker, with Chris Christie comparisons all over the place:

Here's WKOW's Greg Neumann on a few emails: 

WKOW: Thousands of unsealed emails and documents from the secret John Doe probe into the Milwaukee County Executive's Office show that investigators believed Scott Walker "appeared to be aware" his staff was using laptops and a private internet router to conduct  illegal campaign activities on county time ... emails show staffers talked about communicating with Walker on the secret email system.

In a March 22, 2010 email that Cindy Archer, the head of Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services at the time, wrote to Kelly Rindfleisch: "Consider yourself now in the "inner circle". :) I use this private account quite a bit to communicate with SKW and Nardelli. You should be sure you check it throughout the day." SKW are the initials for Scott K. Walker, used by various members of both the county and campaign staff.

Another email shows that on at least one occasion, Walker suggested that staffers from his 2010 gubernatorial campaign contact his office to have McLaughlin "dig up" information they needed for a reporter doing a story on General Mitchell International Airport.

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