
Friday, January 24, 2014

Walker explains mistake introducing felon in state-of-state address, says "These are not examples of people I hired, people I put in my cabinet." Oh really?

This is not about the felon/sex offender guy introduced by Scott Walker during his state-of-the-state speech, which was awkward enough, this is about how Walker explained away his mistake. Did he really want to remind us of the six convicted people he had around him? This is so Freudian:
"Remember, these are not examples of people I hired, people I put in my cabinet, or people that in any way work for the state government..."
He wouldn't have brought it up, unless he had actually mentally disconnect from the consequences of the first John Doe investigation and arrests, or he really doesn't remember it. At 1:30 minutes in, Walker lets it slip:

I don't know a thing about the felon/sex offender guy who got the standing ovation. The company he works for thought enough of his turnaround to send him to the Capitol, so he must be doing something very right. I hope this Walker blunder doesn't have a negative effect on his job. Here are the details:
Gov. Scott Walker said Thursday he was frustrated that a registered sex offender and felon was allowed to stand alongside him during his State of the State speech.

Christopher Barber, a 32-year-old welder, was one of 13 newly hired workers Walker brought out to stand behind him during the opening minutes of his Wednesday speech. Walker didn't know that Barber, of Two Rivers, is a registered sex offender with two felonies and three drunken driving offenses. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel first reported on his criminal record Thursday. Online court records show that Barber was convicted of third-degree sexual assault in 2005 and sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Walker said. "This particular individual was one of the last people added. He came from a credible employer in the state who gave us the suggestion at the last minute."


  1. Walker will be destroyed on the national stage. This is one example of how poorly run his governance is. Not tough to vet someone. But in Walkers circle, it seems that everyone in his cabinet does half - assed work. I'm glad this happened - it just shows the facade Walker has created in WI. A house of cards, which is going to keep tumbling.

  2. This was the driver of the brown van that Walkers other two pedophiles went looking for young boys in.
