
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Walker calmly signs Racist Mascots bill, Divides State Again, still Claims Government Entities have Free Speech Rights.

Scott Walker apparently doesn’t read, or he would already know how stupid he sounds uttering absolute nonsense about free speech. WISC

Here’s more readable material if our wondering governor can sit still long enough to educate himself.
WSJ: The bill cuts against the grain of a decades-long movement away from American Indian mascots.

Barbara Munson, an Oneida Indian who chairs the Wisconsin Indian Education Association's mascots and logos task force, said Walker's free speech arguments make no sense. Government entities such as schools don't have free speech rights, she said. "(The bill) is an example of institutionalized racism in content and process," Munson said. "It's a poke in the eye with a sharp stick to all Wisconsin tribes, and it is an act of discrimination leveled directly at our children."
Walker is all about divide and conquer.
We already know about Rep. Stephen Nass, R-Whitewater, who represents a portion of Mukwonago, this guy is about as racist as they get. He’s relieved he’s getting cover from the governor who "is providing moral direction to all sides" that will lead to more dialogue and a less confrontational tone.
The roving bands of Mukwonago racists are safe to taunt and demean outsiders again. What a town, what a place to avoid.

Blatant racism returns....
Berlin schools to revisit nickname issue

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