
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Republicans Break Promise to Childless Adults, Deny them BadgerCare for 3 Months for Political Reasons.

Looks like Republicans are going to break their big promise of health care coverage for childless adults. Guess they can't use that one on Obama anymore.

State Assembly Republicans decided to break their promise so they could extend by three months the current law and caps. They could have kept their promise to childless adults under the poverty line by simply accepting HHS money, according to now regional director of HHS Kathleen Falk. Was that too much work for them?

It is a broken promise...but the GOP has a list of excuses that include "freedom" and "liberty," so maybe it's not as big a broken promise after all? And if you don't believe them; blame Obama.

From WPT's Here and Now, it's abundantly clear Republicans decided to take the easy way out and break their promise for purely ideological reason. Rep. Sandy Pasch did not back down, or let Republican Rep. Joan Ballweg get away with "word salad" non-answers that deflected away from her broken promise to childless adults.


  1. I tried to post this link to a friend's Facebook page who lives in Wisconsin and Facebook blocked me from doing so saying the link is blocked. So, I tried using a Facebook message backchannel and got the same thing. Do you know your blog is blocked by Facebook?

  2. I tried to post this on Facebook to a friend who lives in Wisconsin and Facebook blocked the link. Your blog is being blocked by Facebook?
