
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Challenge to Act 10 Thrown out because state union employees are free to associate and speak, but “municipal employers … not allowed to listen.”

Did he really say that?
jsonline: A federal judge threw out a lawsuit Wednesday challenging Wisconsin's tight restrictions on collective bargaining for public employees. The decision by U.S. District Judge William Conley ruled the law does not infringe on employees' First Amendment rights.
"Under Act 10, general employees remain free to associate and represented employees and their unions remain free to speak; municipal employers are simply not allowed to listen," Conley wrote.
See, that's what's wrong with government, it doesn't listen to us. And that's okay.


  1. Here's my question- what if the municipality values workers and WANTS to listen? Why shouldn't they be able to?

    This is one of the biggest problems with Act 10. It usurped the sovereignty of local governments to decide how they wanted to deal with their employees and services. Big government at its worst.

  2. Damn, that's an excellent point. I wonder if anyone made that argument.

  3. Well, arguably this fits GOP small government definitions if one seriously twists it, fewer government officials (smaller) having absolute control or rule.

    Thanks for the work here.
