
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Democrats start drumbeat to Repeal Extremist Walker Authority Agenda.

My dream is coming true. All in one day, and for the first time ever, Rep. Chris Taylor and now State Senator Dave Hansen are telling voters the Democrats will repeal bad partisan extremist Republican laws. Who knows, they may even get around to telling voters what they stand for:
State Senator Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay) said a provision in the recently passed state budget that allows the Governor to sell state properties to his friends and donors without going through the established bidding process should be repealed.

“Senate Republicans should have stopped this special interest give away but they chose instead to follow the money and go along with it.”
Sale of government property in other states has also been controversial. In Arizona, Governor Jan Brewer and the Republican-held legislature sold the state’s capitol building for $81 million and then rented the building from its private owner. In 2012 Brewer reversed course and asked the legislature for $105 million to buy it back—a move that would cost Arizona taxpayers well over $24 million.
“People really need to pay attention to this issue or they may find that, like Arizona, they may find themselves paying rent the state capitol building to Terrence Wall.” 

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