
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

President Wannabee Scott Walker Belly Flops into National Debate over IRS Tea Party Screenings.

I mean really, this is so tragically transparent an attempt to ass kiss the tea party low information voters that how could it mean anything but…Walker’s running for president. I say, why reelect him as governor? Walker has the balls to complain about Big Brother:
AP: Two Republican governors urged Obama to appoint a special prosecutor to
investigate the case. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker call the allegations "Big Brother come to life." They want a special prosecutor to find out if any laws were broken and say Obama should fire any IRS employees responsible for the situation. 
"Big Brother come to life" is already a way of life in Wisconsin. Of course besides the Patriot Act being okay, Walker likes using recall signatures as a black list, telling food stamp recipients what to eat, taking over local control of cities, politicizing the judicial branch, and installing a police state in and around the Capitol to discourage dissent. Oh, and made Republican legislators take oath of silence so they could lie to voters while redistricting.

Here's WKOW's coverage where Walker promises the IRS issue will not be forgotten in 2016.
Walker: "I think it'll have a lingering affect, and it unfortunately-on a national level, breeds more discontent and distrust of the federal government."
But on state wide level, you can trust Walker and the Republican control freaks?

Despite the fact the public, by 49%, think the state is lagging in job creation. By 44% many think Wisconsin is ahead of other states in job creation or just about the same. Something is terribly wrong in the Democratic messaging on this, since the media hasn't been exactly silent on Walker's record .

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