
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Morning Joe trashes Republican vote on Background Checks, Rubio proposes stopping violence on earth first, and Baseball Player afraid of Crowds.

There's an awful lot of talk about the self destructive nature of the Republican Party. But I'm not convinced. Joe Scarborough thinks so, saying this about the unbelievable rejection of background checks for terrorists, violent rapists and gang members:

I believe Republicans will become more radicalized and emboldened with big wins like the defeat of gun background checks, and the cuts to important spending that would likely produce the economic underpinnings of the next generation.

But just as important, they've destabilized the American psyche. Check out this unfiltered rant from Philadelphia Phillies all-star pitcher Jonathan Papelbon, who's beginning to fear walking through stadium crowds and Obama's attempt to take his guns. It pretty much says it all:

Just for review, the following presents in full view the vacuous and meaningless argument against background checks by Marco Rubio. Even Chris Wallace had a problem with Rubio's grasping at straws lunacy. Two questions stand out; why did Rubio support background checks in Florida; and when Rubio said violence, not guns is the problem, Wallace asked, "How do you stop violence senator?" Good question.

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