
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Leaders? Job Creators? Tax Cutting Republican Governors get the big "F"

Shouldn't we be focusing on the records of all these highly touted Republicans governors mentioned as presidential contenders?

It looks like we’re seeing similar patterns of “job creation” between governors like Scott Walker (45th), John Kasich (27) and Chris Christie (47). See if this isn't a case of déjà vu all over again:
Citybeat: The “economic miracle” often touted by Gov. John Kasich is not really happening.

The right-leaning Buckeye Institute for Public Policy Solutions, which supports little government intervention in the economy, released the March “Ohio by the Numbers” report, (which) pointed out the state lost 16,800 private sector jobs in February, ranks No. 27 in the nation for private sector job growth since January 2010 and ranks No. 47 for private sector job growth since January 1990.

Policy Matters’ March report was similarly harsh:  “…growth leveled off in the second half of 2012, and the reported zigzag of the last two months means that Ohio has only added 2,700 jobs over the past year, growing at a very weak 0.1 percent … it is clear that the 2005 tax cuts did not bring about the promised job growth. There is no reason to think that further tax cuts will, either.”

Instead, Policy Matters has focused on austerity, which led to the public sector job cuts outlined in Policy Matters’ March report: “A private-sector gain of 16,900 jobs has been nearly erased by the 14,200 jobs lost in the public sector. Most of those public job losses happened at the local level.”
 And what of Gov. Chris Christie? Bloomberg had this: 
Jobs have emerged as a potential weakness for Christie. An April 10 Rutgers-Eagleton poll (showed) only 42 percent were positive about his handling of employment and the economy. New Jersey’s failure to keep up with its neighbors has Christie defending his job-creation policies, which include tax cuts and less business regulation. New Jersey was one of seven states whose economy shrank in 2011. It ranked 47th in terms of growth in its gross domestic product, according to U.S. Commerce Department statistics. 

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