
Monday, January 14, 2013

Conservative columnist Christian Schneider "Name Calls," uses Racial Slur "Greaseball" to describe Supreme Court Candidate.

When you’re making a point about how lousy and sleazy a candidate might be for a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court bench, you don’t use a racial slur to make your case.
Vince Megna takes exception at being called a "bottom-feeding greaseball." The so-called slur was included in a Jan. 7 column by Christian Schneider, whose conservative musings are featured on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s Purple Wisconsin webpage. Schneider posits: "Vince Megna is a bottom-feeding greaseball who is simply using his 'run' for Supreme Court to bolster his own name recognition." 
A Nazi like Schneider should be fired, and left to blog in his own little echo chamber. Oops...!

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