
Friday, December 21, 2012

Wisconsin Family Action Loses Court Action to Prevent Domestic Partner Hospital Visits and End of Life Planning.

One of the more mean spirited restrictions on freedom was a challenge to the states domestic partner policy. The right wing pushes their empty rhetoric of freedom and liberty with caveats.

The marriage amendment by itself is most likely unconstitutional, but that’s another story.

So the Wisconsin Family Action group lost a big one here today. The horrors of hospital visits and end-of-life decision making was an intolerable infringement on Judeo-Christian principles and values and had to be stopped. It wasn't:
jsonline: A state appeals court has ruled Wisconsin's domestic partner registry is constitutional. The 4th District Court of Appeals said that the domestic partnership law does not violate the marriage amendment.

Democratic lawmakers created the registry in 2009. It grants same-sex couples a host of legal rights, including the right to visit each other in hospitals and make end-of-life decisions for one another. Members of the Conservative Group Wisconsin Family Action filed a lawsuit two years ago alleging the registry violates the Wisconsin Constitution's ban on gay marriage. A Madison judge ruled last year the registry was legal.

1 comment:

  1. So will they take this to the WALKER SSC?
