
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Corporation force Employees to vote their way!

After just blogging about an Ohio coal mine owner requiring his employees to donate money to Republican campaigns, it looks like this new style of electioneering is catching on. While required union dues is trashed by the right wing, they’re just fine with private corporations blackmailing employees.

I'm hoping this is a violation of election law, but who knows. In the mean time, employer threats to employees based on who might win an election, doesn't seem to violate any existing laws.

Check out the latest new conservative threat to democracy:
Think Progress: The CEO of a massive timeshare company sent an email about the upcoming election to his employees yesterday, threatening to fire some of them if President Obama wins re-election.

David Siegel, who owns Florida-based Westgate Resorts, sent an email to all his employees yesterday to discuss the upcoming election.

To All My Valued Employees,

As most of you know our company, Westgate Resorts, has continued to succeed in spite of a very dismal economy. There is no question that the economy has changed for the worse and we have not seen any improvement over the past four years. In spite of all of the challenges we have faced, the good news is this: The economy doesn’t currently pose a threat to your job. What does threaten your job however, is another 4 years of the same Presidential administration. Of course, as your employer, I can’t tell you whom to vote for … However, let me share a few facts that might help you decide what is in your best interest.  If any new taxes are levied on me, or my company, as our current President plans, I will have no choice but to reduce the size of this company. Rather than grow this company I will be forced to cut back. This means fewer jobs, less benefits and certainly less opportunity for everyone.

So, when you make your decision to vote, ask yourself, which candidate understands the economics of business ownership and who doesn’t? Whose policies will endanger your job? Answer those questions and you should know who might be the one capable of protecting and saving your job. While the media wants to tell you to believe the “1 percenters” are bad, I’m telling you they are not. 
Siegel’s action don’t for one minute make his fellow “1 percenters” look bad…?This is only the beginning of corporate ownership and slavery of the human commodity. 


  1. Obviously his company is already in trouble. Like many real estate ventures it is probably too leveraged, so he wants to relieve the shame of his poor business decisions and blame it on the black guy.

    A letter like this is not the best way for a company to retain it's top employees. Anyone working for him who has two neurons to rub together will be preparing their resume as I type this.

  2. Steve Wynn, another resort owner, is also complaining now..
