
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Wisconsin GOP Senate Candidates Offer Business Welfare, Cuts to Safety Nets, and Jobs without creating Demand. Wow.

WISC reporter Theo Keith: "It's kinda a catch 22 for these Republicans who don't believe the government can't create jobs, but who know voters are looking for answers want answer to an unemployment rate that's been above 8 percent..." 
Good point. Senate candidate Mark Neumann said it all when he came right out and admitted that once we take the money going to safety net programs, and put it into the private sector, business will spend it on themselves:
Neumann: "When that money is available in the private sector, small business owners like myself will borrow it and other entreprunuers across this country will borrow it, to build and expand their businesses. And when those businesses grow and expand, that's job and job opportunities."
Jobs without demand? Nice trick.


  1. May I direct you to the person challenging Jessica King in the 18th State Senate District? Yes, this is really where the Republican Party has gone. They truly are "Neo-Stalwarts" in 2012.

  2. May I direct you to the person challenging Jessica King in the 18th State Senate District? Yes, this is really where the Republican Party has gone. They truly are "Neo-Stalwarts" in 2012.
