
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Romney the Answer? Why not, voters willing to take that chance.

What happened in 2000, when George W. became president, may just happen again in 2012. Voters now are acting like they did back then; why not take a chance, like Bush, and see what Romney can do.

There are differences; Clinton left office with an economy that was doing quite well, while Obama was left with a Great Recession and a slow recovery.

Thanks to an “off the cliff” Republican Party that has ruled out compromise, and a plan to sabotage any chance of job creation, voters seem more than willing to take another chance.

When you’re faced with a loss of 5.8 million manufacturing jobs since 2000 through 2009, and a devastating loss of 66,486 manufacturing establishments, is it any wonder jobs are hard to come by.

The voters are about to hand corporate America their biggest gift, and the worst possible policy decisions this country has ever seen…all the while actually taxing the poor, destroying purchasing power and thus killing demand. In a new poll from The Hill:
34 percent fault President Barack Obama most for the country’s lethargic economy.
53 percent say Obama has taken the wrong actions on the economy, slowing it down.
42 percent say he has taken the correct actions to revive the economy.
37 percent of independents blame him for the nation's dire economic straits.
23 percent blame Congress.
20 percent blame financial institutions and corporations.
9 percent blame Bush.
Despite the low public opinion of Republicans, listed below, Republicans might take the senate and presidency. How does that work?
Newsmax: As for Congress, 57 percent think Republican members have taken the wrong actions.

Among independents, 59 percent say Republican congressmen have done the wrong things.

66 percent majority say no to the question, the slow pace of economic recovery inevitable.

An Associated Press study released Sunday found that the ranks of America's poor are on track to climb to levels unseen in nearly half a century, erasing gains from the war on poverty in the 1960s.

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