
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Walker Lied to Congress, a Couple of Times!!!

It looks like you can't hide everything. Scott Walker has some explaining to do, or not. The droopy eye'd sociopath might like to smile and act invincible, but oh how the mighty might tumble if the House Oversight Committee does eventually gets Walker to justify his contradictory statements, some made under oath. But when asked by two congressmen:
Congressman Issa’s spokeswoman said: “Nothing in this letter raises questions about the accuracy of the governor’s testimony. This request has no merit, and can only be seen as intending to influence a state election.”
But if it ends up influencing the election, that might be a good thing, right? Here's a great audio clip of the story:

Dylan Brogan – WTDY NEWS: On April 14th, 2011, Gov. Scott Walker was called before Congress to testify at a hearing title, “State and Municipal Debt: Tough Choices Ahead”.
Regarding the process in which Governor Walker went about achieving concessions from state employees, Walker thought it was important to put in the record that, "In December, after the elections but before I was sworn into office, the public sector unions and the state rushed to the lame-duck session Legislature and to the Governor and tried to pass through contracts that would have locked us into a dire financial situation.”

But drafting documents obtained by WTDY News from the non-partisan Legislative Reference Bureau reveal that Act 10 was actually being drafted in November, just weeks after Walker was elected governor.

In his testimony before Congress, Walker cited this lame-duck session as the catalyst for Act 10. “When people ask why we didn’t begin by negotiating, the tone was set early on by the process that was taken – after the election but before we were sworn in – and that’s why it became clear to us that we need to empower our state and local government to make those sort of long-term changes.”

Walker’s meet and greet with Hendricks occurred just over a month before the lame duck session of the Legislature, again contradicting his testimony that the push to re-negotiate contracts sparked his controversial collective bargaining law. It is a Federal offense to knowingly and willingly tell false statements under oath.

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