
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How do you stop the destructive cycle of recall elections? Kick out the dictators.

I find it almost humorous that somehow, after the recall election, everything will be just fine again.

Are they crazy? Win or lose, Walker’s Wisconsin is going to be bitterly divided for a long time, an amazing historical legacy when you think about it.

So imagine my surprise when I came across this odd editorial from someone I normally consider reliably level headed, Todd Berry, of the nonpartisan Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance. Yikes!
Waukesha Patch: A prominent political scientist recently observed that "Wisconsin is a state in turmoil." It’s easy to see why. By summer, Wisconsin will have attempted to recall 15 state officials in a year. The … toxic rhetoric are all unprecedented in state and American history.

In this polarized environment, Wisconsin cannot have a civil discussion about how to restore stability to state government. But, eventually, we will have to consider how to end the destructive cycle of recall elections.
Todd, the recalls don’t happen unless an overwhelming number of people sign onto one. Many have failed. 

Due to a divided legislature or an opposing governor, we never had an overwhelmingly authoritarian super majority before.

Sure, Walker and his legislative thugs could listen, consider and include the other side on lawmaking, but get real. It's easier to treat "the other side" like union henchmen, sore losers and out-of-staters.
Don't cha think that sounds a little condescending? 

1 comment:

  1. The first paragraph was a dead giveaway, describing the recall election as a "political foodfight". No you idiots, under the current circumstances it's more like a substitute for civil war.

    Todd Berry, I fart in your general direction. You and your phony Taxpayers Alliance can kiss my ballot.
