
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

PPP Poll Results for Walker Recall!

TPM: According to the new survey from Public Policy Polling, Walker starts out in trouble on a key number: His approval rating is 47%, to disapproval of 52%. Walker himself is the issue for now, with his support in each match-up hovering around the same 47% approval figure.

“These are the most encouraging numbers we’ve found for Democrats in Wisconsin related to the Walker recall since last August,” writes PPP president Dean Debnam.
Former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk edges Walker by 48%-47%

Sen. Kathleen Vinehout trails Walker by 46%-44%
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, leads Walker in this poll by 49%-46%.

Secretary of State Doug La Follette trails Walker 46%-45%.

Walker edges state House Minority Leader Peter Barca by 48%-46%

Walker edges State Sen. Jon Erpenbach by 47%-44%

Walker edges former longtime Congressman David Obey by 47%-45%.

Congressman Ron Kind edges Walker by 46%-45%.

Former U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold would lead Walker by a clear majority, at 52%-45%.

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