
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Silly Death Threat Against Walker, or a Serious Death Threat against Walker Recall Petitioners.

All day I heard about the trumped up “death threat” made to Gov. Scott Walker, in an innocent Facebook events page conversation about the upcoming recall. Heck, the woman who made the comment used her real name and couples picture. Give me a break.
Badger Herald: “I saw it with my own eyes,” Andrew Welhouse, spokesperson for Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, said. “I heard secondhand that the Facebook page itself eventually deleted it.”

The threat: “Rather than recall him … can we just kill him instead? Just curious.” Another individual commented on the post, “HA!!! He’s signed a bill allowing conceal to carry IN the capitol. ….. Someone just might get away with it!!!” to which the first individual replied, “I’m game!”

Of course Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs followed up on the threat, and interviewed the woman involved. Yet, this ridiculous incident over a completely innocent back and forth got big play by conservative media. Here's what it looked like:

But not a word was said about the following story on radio or TV, except for a mention on Sly in the Morning and on my own blog
I wonder how many will find "humor" in the following "comedic" screenshot tweets by the conservative blogger Kevin Binversie at Lakeshorelaments:

Nothing funnier than posing the possibility of getting shot! And that is what the castle doctrine blatantly suggests. Whether true or not, it's an area that might be gamed by a reckless "law abiding" citizen. 
And so it goes....


  1. It is MUCH WORSE than this. The DOJ knows that scotty walker admitted on a tape to conspiring to institute a violent "false flag" attempt against protesters.

    You can google this yourself and find transcripts and/or actual copies of the audio where walker brags to a fake koch brother about considering committing serious crimes against the people of wisconsin.

    He does say that they decided not to do it - BUT THAT IS NOT THE POINT!

    The conspiracy is a serious crime and actually carries stiffer penalties than the crime would have (unless, of course, walker's "false flag" terrorism would have killed someone)

    Wisconsin's governor has been given a "free pass" and has never had to answer any questions under oath to either clear his name or be held accountable for serious crimes against Wisconsin and our great Nation.

    Please CALL John W. Vaudreuil at:

    608) 264-5158

    You will be told to write a letter - probably a good idea, but please also share that the public safety should not be dependent on a popular vote.

    Please write a strong letter; I sent mine certified.

    Please then call them back a couple of weeks later. Tell them you want to talk to someone about your letter.

    They may just continue to take your name and promise call backs; they may ask you to write a letter - who knows (I will decline to give more details about my experience at this point in time)


    Let's give scotty walker an opportunity to "clear the air" under oath (assuming he can).

    I literally fear what will happen in the next few weeks.


  2. My Letter:

    Dear Mr. Vaudreuil:

    As you fully know, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is on record plainly and openly admitting that he conspired to disrupt the protests of Wisconsin citizens exercising their right to assemble and petition the government for redress. He plainly says that this conspiracy included certain legislators and perhaps others.

    His own direct statements call for a full investigation of his compliance with civil rights laws that have been in existence since the Civil War to protect Americans from conspiracies to injure or intimidate them for exercising their fundamental rights as free people, which obviously includes freedom of speech and dissent.

    I believe you fully-know the incident I am talking about where Walker admitted to Ian Murphy in a recorded conversation that he had thought about planting troublemakers in the crowd of protesters in Madison last spring. I am sending this letter because I was directed to from your office when I called. It is with some offense that I write this letter, because you fully know the issues I am talking about. They have been brought directly to your attention by many people since early this year and you continue to hear from many more.

    Our legal system is not based on a popularity contest – this is not American Idol. Whether you get one or one million letters asking for an investigation that is fully-warranted based on the Governor’s own recorded words, choosing to ignore these crimes against the people of Wisconsin is not an option.

    Let me remind you that Walker considered violent actions that could have not only undermined peaceful and legitimate protests; his plan would have hurt people physical. Inciting violence under a “false flag” might reasonably result in the deaths of innocent citizens.

    There is no justice in Wisconsin as long as you continue to help this administration avoid answering questions about this conspiracy. Standing down is not an option. Having your office hide behind disingenuous suggestions that citizens write letters such as this one is inappropriate.

    While I agreed to write this letter; you, I, the rest of Wisconsin, and much of America know there is a serious crime here that continues to stifle the constitutional rights of citizens – as long as you tacitly condone his actions by standing down, there is no reason to believe that Walker won’t implement the plans he clearly identified in a recorded conversation, nor that he won’t commit these crimes again.

    Anything less that a full, open, and meaningful investigation is clear evidence that you are also part of the ongoing criminality in Madison and that the United States Attorney’s Office, Western District of Wisconsin is actually giving Walker a “green like” to conspire to commit terrorist acts against citizens of the Badger State.
