
Thursday, October 20, 2011

900 Private Sector Jobs Gone!! Open for business?

Oddly, the unemployment percentage went down to 7.8% from 7.9%.

Let’s face it, the massive give-a-ways to business and loss of consumer protections have done squat, nothing, except lose jobs since Walker took office. And government jobs, in which Wisconsin had fewer of then most states, plummeted. What a way to get to an economic recovery!!!!
jsonline: Private-sector employment fell in September in Wisconsin for the third consecutive month, according to the latest report released Thursday by the state Department of Workforce Development.

The state lost an estimated 900 jobs among private-sector employers, it said. The manufacturing sector alone lost 3,000 jobs.

But employment in the government sector - particularly the state and local sector - continued to plummet, losing an estimated 11,700 jobs at public-sector agencies. The government sector has been shedding jobs for two years.

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