
Friday, August 26, 2011

The Prosser Case Revealed....

The following account has now been released on the Justice David Prosser choke gate case, and it doesn't look good for Prosser spokesperson Brian Shimming, who just lied to the press yesterday. Not only did Shimming suggest Justice Anne Walsh Bradley could have been accused of a crime, but that she lied:

But the facts tell a different story completely. The fact of the matter; Brian Shimming should be fired: 
jsonline: Supreme Court Justice David Prosser acknowledged to detectives touching Justice Ann Walsh Bradley's neck and Bradley acknowledged getting "face to face to confront him" but suffering no physical harm from the contact, the judges said in separate interviews with law enforcement.

The Dane County Sheriff's Department released 117 pages of investigation records Friday … on July 8, Prosser said that during an informal argument between two groups of justices Bradley "charged" him and he put up his hands to defend himself. "Did my hands touch her neck, yes, I admit that. Did I try to touch her neck, no, absolutely not, it was a total reflex," Prosser said.

Bradley said during the argument she wanted Prosser to leave the suite of offices … and confronted him to tell him to leave because she felt he was being disrespectful to Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson.

"You get out of my office," Bradley said she told Prosser … While saying that, she said she was "standing face to face to confront him." Later, Bradley said, she could recall the contact of Prosser's hands on her neck but no pain or pressure that affected her breathing. She did, however, say that she had become emotional after the incident.

Breaking her silence … Abrahamson said she would propose "the presumption will be that court conferences are open to the public," as a way to lead the fractious court back toward civility.  The incident occurred a day before the deeply divided court issued a 4-3 ruling upholding Walker's legislation curtailing collective bargaining for public employees.

1 comment:

  1. so what we have here is Bradley sheepishly saying she lied about the whole damn thing. Shocker. "no pain or pressure that affected her breathing" but she wa s choked. What scum. What dishonor! And how twisted do you have to be to defend her....
