
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sen. Luther Olsen; "What is right, isn't always popular, but what is popular isn't always right." Thanks for doing what was not popular??!!

The Rep. Fred Clark, Sen. Luther Olsen debate said a lot about the governing style of each of the respective parties. For Olsen, the domineering father figure works for him, doling out disciplinary cuts that aren't popular, but they're "the right decision."

Sen. Luther Olsen: "We are here because we made the tough decisions. But they were the right decisions ... What is right, isn't always popular, but what is popular isn't always right. And I believe we stood up and made the right decision. And I would do it again." 

As for Fred Clark, moderation was the message.

Clark: "Quite honestly Sen. Olsen, you were among the senators who many hoped would be that moderate compromising influence, that could have found a path forward out of a historic conflict."

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