
Friday, May 20, 2011

Even Conservative Talk Hosts Sykes and Wagner not happy with Concealed Carry Extremism.

WAVE, Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort, put out this audio in the hopes of getting the word out that even Wisconsin’s craziest conservative radio talk hosts are against the most lenient concealed carry bill ever proposed in this state.

Charlie Sykes and Jeff Wagner both lament all the effort, over decades of trying, to get a responsible concealed carry law passed that the public could get behind and trust. All that has been crushed.

As Uppity Wisconsin’s xoff put it: 
Sykes and Wagner call the proposed laws “way too extreme” and say support for these bills comes from the “kook fringe.” 

Like all of us, Sykes and Wagner sound just disgusted that our legislature is considering legislation that requires no background checks and no safety training whatsoever.  Heck, you can almost see Wagner throwing his hands in the air, when he says sarcastically, “Let’s let everybody carry guns.”

When right wing radio hosts – who generally support concealed, loaded weapons in public – call pro gun legislation “screwed up,” you know it's extreme.

As WAVE's campaign announcement put it:
Listen to Charlie Sykes and Jeff Wagner talk about the concealed weapons legislation being considered in Wisconsin and pass it along.  Help spread the word and send an email to your Wisconsin friends and family asking them to contact their representatives. 

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