
Friday, April 15, 2011

More Anger, Frustration over Walker's Devastating Plans for Wisconsin, this time from Neenah.

The recent Finance Committee hearing in Neenah proved once again the Republicans and Gov. Walker are angering voters, scaring them even:
WRN: The Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee held hearing at Neenah High School Wednesday, to hear what the public thinks about Governor Scott Walker’s two year budget proposal. Most of those testifying asked the panel to remove proposed cuts to municipalities, health care programs, and farmland preservation. Others, like Barbara Linder, spoke out against cuts to programs that help low income families. “Cutting the homestead and earned income tax credits that assist seniors and the working poor will result in a tax increase for them at the same time that the big tax breaks are being given to the CEOs and the large corporations,” said Linder. “Is this fair? I don’t think so.” 
Neenah Mayor George Scherck told the panel that cuts to shared revenue and other programs will have a major impact. “In 1983,45 percent of Neenah’s operating budget was financed by shared revenue. In 2012, if everything passes as proposed, it will be 5.9%,” said Scherk.

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