
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Nickname for Scott Walker revealed....if the name fits!!

Via the Motley Cow, from the Isthmus' Daily Page, this gem:
Bob Olsen, a retired Madison attorney, grew up in Walworth County and still subscribes to his hometown newspaper, the Sharon Reporter. Thus he saw an article the paper ran this January following Walker's inauguration. It included a yearbook photo of Walker from his senior year at Delavan-Darien High School, in 1986, with the caption... 
"Scott K. Walker — the Desperado." 
It's not clear whether the "Desperado" tag was chosen by Walker or for him, only that someone thought it appropriate at the time. Many people still might.
What happened to this guy?

1 comment:

  1. Really? You're going back to a high school photo year book caption and somehow linking it to present day?
    Desperado has been used tongue and cheek for decades.

    I suppose we could look at Obama's photo captioned when he was 6 as "desperate bedwetter" and apply that to his careless handling of the economy...pissing away taxpayer money.
