
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Jim Wallis causes ungodly stir in Oshkosh, by Gosh

Still want to be a "Christian Nation?"

The cautionary tale below pretty much says it all about how that will play out.
The Christian minister Jim Wallis, activist and founder of the organization Sojourners is being targeted over his invitation to participate at a Christian music festival.

"After researching extensively the words and published positions of Jim Wallis and his organization, Sojourners Magazine, and seeking fervently the guidance of the Holy Spirit in prayer, we believe the social justice message and agenda they promote is a seed of secular humanism, seeking an unholy alliance between the Church and Government," Q90 FM, a Christian radio station based in De Pere, Wisc., said in a statement.
You see, there are good Christians, and "humanist" Christians who believe in "social justice." Ironically, the chosen few blessed with a radio station bestowed upon them by the government, clearly believe our "CHRISTIAN NATION" should not allow..."an unholy alliance between the church and government?" Huh?

And throughout history, many were accused of heresy.
By including Wallis in the speaker line-up, some accused the festival of compromising the Gospel. Crosstalk radio host Ingrid Schlueter expressed her opposition to presenting Wallis as "a credible Christian leader" and said youth are in "spiritual danger" if they attend the five-day event."
Is there anyway of knowing who is and is not a "credible Christian leader?" I hope they never come after me. At the risk of offending those identified as "credible Christian leaders and followers," I'm going to go out on a limb and allow this heretic Wallis to make his case:

In his response, Wallis said, "The biblical definition of social justice has to do with helping bring about God's Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, just as Jesus taught us to pray," according to the The Post-Crescent of Appleton, Wisconsin. "And in a world where half the population lives in poverty, there is a great need for God's Kingdom to be more fully present.

The Q90 idol worshippers won't stand for this talk of tolerance and help for the needy.

"There is spiritual danger here," she said. Youth will be "sitting under the tutelage of a religious and political radical who is ... hostile to the biblical Gospel." Mary Danielson of Calvary Chapel in Appleton, Wis., said Wallis claims to be an evangelical pastor, but is merely using Scripture to "justify his radicalism.""He does not hold to the central tenets of biblical Christianity but he reads a brand of social justice into the Bible," Danielson said on Crosstalk radio.

Responding to the uproar, Wallis, who also serves as a spiritual adviser to President Obama, released a statement, saying: "Let me be very clear that we believe in the separation of church and state. We believe the church and the government are able to best fulfill their roles when they function separately and apart from institutional intrusion.

"Agree or disagree – Jim Wallis touches your heart, stretches your mind, and challenges your values," stated Leith Anderson, president of National Association of Evangelicals. "He thunders like an Old Testament prophet, yet he is gentle and gracious. With a heart for people and a dream for a better tomorrow, Jim Wallis looks tough times in the eye and talks of hope."

Q90 FM, meanwhile, noted that they are not calling for a boycott of Lifest and they do not consider Wallis an enemy. "We just have a fundamental disagreement on the wisdom of bringing Mr. Wallis to Lifest," the radio station said.

Yeah, right. It's pretty obvious Q90 believes Jesus would have been a tough love conservative. And certainly not a radical. Who would have thought Glenn Beck's tirade on social justice would have had such a major influence on Christianity?

1 comment:

  1. I just read Mr. Wallis' response in his column in Sojourners Magazine to the "ungodly stir" he caused in the state of my birth. Mr. Wallis puts the objections to him in clear focus when he asks us to "replace the gospel of Glenn, Rush, Sean, and Bill with Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John."

    All those who refuse to turn their TV stations to different channels are missing other points of view, to their detriment and to our demise if we do not stand up to their intimidation. Bravo, Jim Wallis. You are a truth teller...and there are far too few of those these days.
