
Monday, January 25, 2010

The Sad Case of Republican "Projection"

I couldn't resist some of the articles strange perspectives. Hate, anger and distrust can be written in so many different ways.

But one of the most fascinating mental misfires is their amazing ability to "project" their self destructive policies onto liberals, Democrats and the Obamatons. I swear, they see the ugliest side of their mean spirited ideology and winner take all political agenda as something Democrats do to them. It's like punching yourself in the face while looking in the mirror, and then blaming your reflection. Get ready for the realization that we'll never ever connect to the mentally conservative.
War on the middle class! by Norvell Rose: The headline blared, "Obama talks of restoring security for middle class." …Oh great, they're gonna improve the conditions they caused to worsen by doing more of the stuff that failed in the first place. Brilliant!

Oh, believe me, I know they've already been attacking our institutions, our principles and our bank accounts … WHY would the President of the United States and his liberal storm troopers want to destroy the middle class in this country? Or if not destroy, at least damage and dishearten to the point of paralysis? For a totalitarian regime to successfully consolidate its power and diminish any opposition to its sustained stranglehold on a people, the middle class must be effectively destroyed. There must be no viable middle class, with its non-conformist dream of upward mobility and its path to prosperity. There must be only the upper class — the rulers; and the lower class — the ruled. Order-givers and order-takers. Those who direct the State's work and those who do it. So the strength and security of the middle class — largely in the form of our wealth — must be taken. Not by brute force, but by ill fortune. You know, the deplorable devastation of capitalism and the mess the markets have left us in. The spirit of the middle class must be broken. Not by sticks and stones, rather by crisis upon crisis. Unexpected economic downturn upon unexpected unemployment report.
Don't you just want to scream, "I know you are but what am I?" What Norvell Rose just defined was top down, trickle down economics. It created the Great Recession. It was an example of the right wings willingness to give up everything, the environment, safety nets and public services to corporations so they would someday offer us a job. It's all about jobs isn't it. Even after the Republican economic collapse, and the 14 years of conservative deregulation, Rose blames liberals for devastating the middle class:
They told us to invest in home ownership. Now, the sinking value of our real estate has sucked untold wealth out of the middle class … They told us to invest in stocks and bonds. Now, the value of our 401k's, mutual funds and stock portfolios has taken an incredible battering … They told us that only the government could protect us from those big, bad, unscrupulous health insurance companies. That only the government could save the auto industry. The banks. The energy companies.

Totalitarianism cannot abide by those pesky, independent, wealth-building, spirit-driven middle-class meddlers; witness what happened with Scott Brown in Massachusetts. The revolt must be government helping the people to the point of their helplessness.
The party of leaders, along with the "unitary executive" George W. Bush, saw themselves in us through projection. No wonder they hated Democrats so much. As Jacob Pickard wrote in "A brief history of the 100 year Republican Majority," how conservatives would hold power with "High national debt, war, and economic depression used as a tool to keep the population worried about feeding there family, fear of terrorism, and keeping a job."

We have seen the enemy, and it was us…

1 comment:

  1. Greetings!
    My name is Norvell Rose. I am the author of the commentary in question. Thanks for reading. Please continue. Have a great day!
