
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Co-op Alternative to Health Care Reform Puts Two Democrats at Odds with each Other.

Wisconsisn's bland white bread Congressman Ron Kind is quick to throw health care reform under the bus if it comes to that. After all, the Republican wield so much power in the House right now. Twice Kind is asked by Upfront's Mike Gousha if he could support legislation that did not include a public option. Rep. Kind appears to be drinking the co-op kool-aid, talking that up more than a government program.

So is Rep. Ron Kind onto to something with the co-op alternative to the public option? Of course not, especially is you ask Sen. Jay Rockefeller. Big Ed Schultz did that for us:

It's nice to see passion like that in a politician. Sen. Rockefeller offers up a hand full of nails for the co-op coffin.

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