
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Republicans Have it Both Ways: Unrelated Gun Amendment Spree Continues. What Happened to Full Debate?

Hey Republicans, what happened to the argument that only related amendments be added to legislation? Shouldn’t unrelated amendments be debated in full public view?

Not when it comes to guns.

NYT: The Senate on Wednesday turned aside the latest attempt by gun advocates to expand the rights of gun owners, narrowly voting down a provision that would have allowed gun owners with valid permits from one state to carry concealed weapons in other states.

A group comprising mostly Republicans … had tried to attach the gun amendment to the annual defense authorization bill, a must-pass piece of legislation. This was the latest attempt by gun advocates to push new firearms rights through Congress, where they hold increasing sway.

Remember when the credit card reform bill? How could you not see a reason to include a gun amendment?
In May, Congress approved a measure that allowed gun owners with proper permits to carry their loaded and concealed weapons in national parks. They promised at the time to continue to include unpassable gun legislation into must pass bills.
What happened to a full Congressional floor debate?
And Mr. Thune, Senator Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma, and other pro-gun lawmakers had said they intended to bring many provisions seeking to expand gun rights to the Senate floor this year.
What this bill does is expand the least restrictive concealed carry laws from Troglodyte states to the rest of the country. And I thought Republicans we’re for states rights, letting them to decide for themselves what laws they choose to enact.

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