
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rep. Massa Takes Risk, Supports Public Health Care Option. Sky Hasn't Fallen Yet. Poll Says 86% Support Reform.

Was I dreaming or was N.Y. Rep. Eric Massa talking to Ed Schultz like a REAL Democrat. I'd give anything to see party lawmakers taking the kind of stand Rep. Massa did on Schultz's MSNBC show the other day. Massa made it look easy, because it is. Check out the results of a just released poll on health care below.

A survey released Wednesday by the University of Michigan to measure consumer confidence in the health care system, financed by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a health care philanthropy, detailed just how big a problem health care is right now.

AP-Nearly half of all Americans worried about paying for future care.

Nearly one in four people expressed fear of losing coverage in the next year. About the same number reported that they or a family member delayed seeing a doctor in the past year because of what it might cost.

In February, the government estimated that health care costs this year would
average $8,160 for every man, woman and child in the U.S. — an increase of $356
per person from 2008.

More than three in four people, 86 percent, saw health care reform as an integral part of tackling the nation's economic woes.

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