
Monday, November 3, 2008

Republicans File Complaint About Obama's Visit to Grandmother, 13 Hours After Her Death

There's not much I can say about this, so I'll let the Washington Post:

Perhaps the most ill-timed press release of the 2008 campaign arrived shortly after 1:30 p.m. today, sent by the Republican National Committee. Obama and his sister released a statement this afternoon announcing that their grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, died peacefully after a battle with cancer.

The release forwarded word that the California Republican Party filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission, in part because of a visit Sen. Barack Obama made to his dying grandmother. "Obama for America violated federal law by converting its campaign funds to Senator Obama's personal use," the release stated. The Obama campaign said the trip had been vetted with lawyers beforehand and was allowable.

But filing the complaint today now seems to have been ill-advised, if not legally, then certainly politically.

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