
Monday, November 3, 2008

Republican Racists Have their moment In This Historic Election. “N” word Not Off Table.

Seeing is believing. Just another peek into the Republican mind and playbook. WTMJ-TV talked to the stunned recipients of GOP calling (post)card:

An unwelcome political message arrived in Todd and Cathy Herka’s mailbox on Saturday. The standard size postcard carried a single, yet shocking sentence. “I suspect this had to be some sort of mass mailing,” said Todd Herka. “It says ‘only an ‘N’ lover will vote for Obama.’” The full ‘N’ word is on the card, a derogatory term for an African American. “That’s not a word we use in our home,” said Kathy Herka.

Investigators want to know how many post cards went out and who’s sending them. Although, it is unclear if any laws were violated. “At this point we’re looking at the balance between freedom of speech and if, in fact, it is illegal,” Greendale police Sgt. Greg Daniels told TODAY’S TMJ4 reporter Tom Murray.

According to AP: In this presidential race, in which a black man leads most polls, some of the deceit has a decidedly racist bent.

Complaints have surfaced in predominantly African-American neighborhoods of Philadelphia where fliers have circulated, warning voters they could be arrested at the polls if they had unpaid parking tickets or if they had criminal convictions. Over the weekend in Virginia, bogus fliers with an authentic-looking commonwealth seal said fears of high voter turnout had prompted election officials to hold two elections — one on Tuesday for Republicans and another on Wednesday for Democrats.

In New Mexico, two Hispanic women filed a lawsuit last week claiming they were harassed by a private investigator working for a Republican lawyer who came to their homes and threatened to call immigration authorities, even though they are U.S. citizens.

In Pennsylvania, e-mails appeared linking Democrat Barack Obama to the Holocaust. "Jewish Americans cannot afford to make the wrong decision on Tuesday, Nov. 4," said the electronic message, paid for by an entity calling itself the Republican Federal Committee. "Many of our ancestors ignored the warning signs in the 1930s and 1940s and made a tragic mistake."

Other reports of intimidation efforts in the hotly contested state of Pennsylvania include leaflets taped to picnic benches at Drexel University, warning students that police would be at the polls on Tuesday to arrest would-be voters with prior criminal offenses. In his Jewish neighborhood, Stalberg said, fliers were recently left claiming Obama was more sympathetic to Palestinians than to Israel, and showed a photograph of him speaking in Germany. In Nevada, for example, Latino voters said they had received calls from people describing themselves as Obama volunteers, urging them to cast their ballot over the phone. In 2006, automated phone calls in the final days leading to the federal election wrongly warned voters they would not be allowed to vote without a photo ID. In Colorado and Virginia, people reported receiving calls that told them their registrations had expired and they would be arrested if they showed up to vote.

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