
Saturday, November 1, 2008

Oprah's Presidential Vote Didn't Count First Time. Election Fraud?

We're already seeing problems with electronic voting machines, which should be banned outright, but maybe this experience from a high profile individual like Oprah Winfrey might change some minds.

Transcript from the Huffington Post:

"When I voted yesterday electronically, the first vote that you vote for on the ballot is the presidential candidate. It was my first time doing electronic, so I didn't mark the X strong enough, or I held down too long. Because then when I went back to check it, it had not recorded my presidential vote," she said.

She then simulated her meltdown, shaking and breathing heavily while stuttering out the words, "It didn't record my presidential vote."

It wasn't an accident. Really. This is what happens daily, and some don't even notice.

Maybe that's why John McCain is so confidence, despite the recent bad polling, and why McCain just might be our next illegitimate president.

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