
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Newt Gingrich Example of Conservative Intellectualism: Slick Marketing and the Air of Infallible Elitism

Newt Gingrich is what the right wing would call an "intellectual." What we really have in Newt is man who has integrated what are now failed ideological theories of free markets and religious zealotry.

That's right, he actually suggested the possibility of a gay and secular fascism in this country. A "very dangerous threat to traditional religion." From this insanity, flows the rest of Gingrich's poison filled donuts of wisdom, with a cool-aid chaser.

Let’s take a look at all the places this ideologue spreads his well integrated B.S., as presented on his web site:
Newt serves as a Member of the Defense Policy Board. Newt is the longest-serving teacher of the Joint War Fighting course for Major Generals. He also teaches officers from all five services as a Distinguished Visiting Scholar and Professor at the National Defense University. Newt serves on the Terrorism Task Force for the Council on Foreign Relations. He is an Editorial Board Member of the Johns Hopkins University journal, Biosecurity and Bioterrorism, and is an Advisory Board Member of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Recently, Newt was named co-Chair of the UN Task Force, a bi-partisan Congressional effort to reform the United Nations. As an author, Newt has published eighteen books including 10 fiction and non-fiction New York Times best-sellers. He was the architect of the “Contract with America.”

We all know how that turned out. Can you say bailout?

Recent films include Rediscovering God in America and We Have the Power. A third documentary, Ronald Reagan: Rendezvous with Destiny, is currently in production.

We all know how the Reagan revolution turned out? Can you say bailout?

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