
Monday, November 10, 2008

Moyers Nails It: The Bush and Republican Congress Nightmare is Coming to An End

I was casually catching up on Bill Moyers Journal, and couldn't help but do my own "spit-take" on my evening cappiccino, when Moyers rattled off a nightmarish list of Republican debacles.

Here's a clip of that list, and the unthinkable way this country has been managed over the last 8 years.

1. Dept. of Interior is about to let Coal companies dump waste anywhere it wants, even in valley rivers of fresh water.
2. The Wall Street bailout's built in loopholes for CEO payouts and golden parachutes. Rep Peter DeFazio calls them camouflage parachutes.
3. The Organization for Economic Cooperation & Developement's (OECD) list of "Growing Inequality-Income Distribution & Poverty" puts America 4th, below Mexico, Turkey and Portugal in income inequality.
4. Ayn Rand and the Greenspan epiphany.

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