
Saturday, November 1, 2008

Gov. Ehrlich Admits: He Doesn't Get Bottom Up Economics

Republicans and John McCain have failed to convince Americans they know what best for the country after driving the economy into the ground. Not surprising is it?

What I found refreshing, and not surprising, was the open admission from Republican and Fmr. Gov. Bob Ehrlich that he just doesn't get bottom up economics. Ooops, but thanks for the inadvertent honesty.

Ehrlich's insistence that guys starting new small businesses are somewhere in the middle of the economic ladder, despite the usual start up loans many entrepreneurs take on, shows a complete lack of working class value and savvy. These start-ups usually take on debt initially, and then have to compete in the market place, often times failing within the first year of business. That's not somewhere in the middle, risk free, and the rosy scenario Ehrlich would like to portray.

These people truly don't get it.

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