
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Is Barack A Terrorist? Blogger Video Gets Some McCain Voter Answers

Thanks to for the heads up on bloggerinterrupted, who went out with his video camera and recorded the "McCain/Palin mob" at a campaign stop in the midwest. Here's a sample of his story:
This video includes a family who believes Barack Obama is a terrorist. They brought an Obama doll, to show he’s a “puppet”, and when asked why, their small child says “you need gloves to touch him”. Bottom line - I have never seen such a dangerous group of people at a presidential rally, so willing to announce their views to a guy holding a camera, and so transparently up to no good. These people are very easily incited, as we have seen, and they need to be exposed. I really wonder how these people will react when they have to stand at attention, salute, and accept Barack Obama as our president.

Here's a taste of some of the comments to the blog and video:
Comment 1:
This webcast basically puts into a visual what the Pew Institute has been saying about Republicans. They are the most uneducated group of voters. They will believe anything you tell them. Stupid. I wish you would have asked these people these questions:

Ask them if they found out that Michelle Obama had stole Prescription medications from a charitable foundation, what would they think…. Then tell them it was Cindy McCain….Then tell them that is Todd Palin and Sarah Palin. Ask them if they know how to think for themselves….

Comment 2: These people know what they are saying is b.s. yet they say it anyway. To them the Democratic process is just a sporting event where they get to root for their team.

Comment 3: Props to you for these vids. This is “real” blogging, not just aggregating content. We need MUCH more of this sort of thing.

1 comment:

  1. That is so true. I fear Oklahoma City-type bombings or close to a civil war if Obama's electing. These fanatics will stop at nothing to get their way. And, of course if we stand up to these bullies, they'll claim we're discrimating against Christians or some other similar type of nonsense.

    I think of it this way. Who would have more to fear of bodily harm if elected? John McCain or Barack Obama?
