
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

S.E.C. Backs Health Care, DID HELL FREEZE OVER?

I’m still not sure I’m awake or have somehow fallen through the looking glass. According to the NY Times- “The Securities and Exchange Commission, shifting its position, has told companies they must allow shareholders to vote on a proposal for universal health insurance coverage…religious groups and labor unions (say it’s) an effort to draw the nation’s largest corporations deeper into a debate over the future of health care. The commission said it had reversed its position on certain issues to reflect ‘changing societal views,’ and that now appears to be the case with respect to health care.”

It comes across like a set up article in the Onion. The initiative basically says health insurance should be universal, continuous, “affordable to individuals and families,” and “affordable and sustainable for society.

Those are fighting words for some, especially the health insurance industry. And you thought they cared about you…!

Lawyers representing UnitedHealth, told the S.E.C., “The proposal provides that ‘health care should be universal,’ dictating to whom the company should provide coverage.” Moreover, by asserting that “health care coverage should be affordable,” the proposal usurps the company’s right to decide what prices to charge for its policies. The proposal does not relate to a ‘significant social policy issue,’ as that term has been defined” by the commission.”

UnitedHealth’s breathtaking position is this:

1. When it comes to treating sick people, THEY want to decide who gets healthy and who doesn’t.

2. Affordable access to health care GETS IN THE WAY of what prices they want to charge.

3. Health care is NOT related to a SIGNIFICANT SOCIAL POLICY ISSUE.

Remember, these are the money grubbing ghouls deciding what treatments are covered and which ones you’ll go broke pay for yourself. They are not alone.

The business geniuses at General Motors, the same ones who destroyed the
auto industry in this country and handed the car keys to Toyota and Honda, said
that “adoption of these health care principles will not advance the legislative
debate or facilitate the enactment of federal legislation that would benefit the
corporation, its stockholders or the country.” In that order too. The
country is last, an after thought.

And the company that has put more people into our costly health care system,

“Reynolds American, the cigarette maker, expressed concern that universal
coverage would be financed by more tobacco taxes.”

Bottom line: The actual S.E.C. is pushing universal health care. Sounding like Norway, they even framed the issue like some kind of socialist European country: “The shareholder proposal asks top corporate executives to view the issue in a broader context, as a question of social policy.”

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