Friday, October 11, 2013

Tea Party Republicans keep the government shutdown going, just don't tell anybody that at the UW.

Is the House of Representatives controlled by tea party Republicans?

The answer is yes, but you better not say that on our university campuses. Republicans might have to take the blame for the shutdown. 
Does an assistant professor’s email blaming the “Republican/tea party controlled House of Representatives” for the government shutdown after students couldn’t access a Census Bureau website violate the UW System’s policy on political activity? UW-La Crosse Chancellor Joe Gow thinks so.

Gow apologized Wednesday for Rachel Slocum’s email to students, calling her comment “inappropriate” and “problematic”…
But was it really? What the assistant professor wrote was true:
"Some of the data gathering assignment will be impossible to complete until the Republican/tea party controlled House of Representatives agrees to fund the government.... Please do what you can on the assignment. Those parts you are unable to do because of the shutdown will have to wait until Congress decides we actually need a government.
That’s a true apolitical statement. Unless reality is off limits now on our campuses if someone complains?

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