Tuesday, August 27, 2013

AG Van Hollen takes Democratic Party position on Drunk Driving Problem.

The Walker Republicans are proving to be just as contradictory as their congressional counterparts. This time on drunk driving.

Their old "tough on crime" rhetoric continues to impress constituents, even though it's been proven to be a disastrous taxpayer money pit over and over again.  Still, their inner self righteousness and need to garner public sympathy is just to hard to resist. Drunk driving is one of those incredibly emotional issues Republicans just love to exploit.

Enter partisan conservative AG J.B. Van Hollen. He's taking the Democratic position that there are more cost effective ways to deal with drunk driving, than throwing people prison. Yes, this is another Democratic solution ripped from their hands and made "Republican" by the press.

I'm pretty much fed up with the media pretending Democrats just don't exist or that their ideas aren't mainstream enough until a Republican offers up their official stamp of approval.

Here's another stolen solution, JB style:
Dumb......................................and Dumber!
FoxPointPatch: The state’s top cop opposes a lot of what’s contained in the bills being pushed by state Rep. Jim Ott, R-Mequon, and Sen. Alberta Darling, R-River Hills (on drunk driving), questioning the cost and effectiveness of the legislation. “I know we have limited dollars and I want to use them in the most effective and efficient way possible,” Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen told reporters at a Treatment Alternatives and Diversion symposium in Madison on Friday.

The six proposed bills targeting drunken driving are projected to cost state taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars a year in increased prison time, litigation and court bills. On one proposal alone the state Department of Corrections estimates an increased cost of $226 million in prison bed days and another $236 million for construction of new facilities. “When you have unproven get-tougher-on-drunk-drivers legislation that costs a lot of money, it may not be the best way to reduce drunk driving or better protect the public if you can use that money in other categories. The reality is a lot of those dollars can be better spent on programs such as (OWI courts),” Van Hollen said.
No, really?

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