Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Conservative Voters Fooled Again with Good Cop/Bad Cop Cop!! Water next Corporate Giveaway.

It's a big/little thing that will go unnoticed by low information conservative voters, like my friend in Milwaukee. GOP distractions highlighting Dr. Kermit Gosnell, Benghazi and the Zimmerman trial have turned my Republican friend off to the news. He barely pays attention to Scott Walker or any new legislation passed by his party. So...

Good Cop/Bad Cop: Ever wonder how passing bad laws rarely results in Republicans getting ousted from office? Check out this sad story of a Republican legislator “standing up for his constituents.”
WPR: Gov. Scott Walker didn't veto a measure in the new budget that makes it harder
for citizens to challenge high-capacity well permits. Rep. Scot Krug, R-Wisconsin Rapids, couldn't get the language stripped out of the budget, but was able to get the policy delayed for one year. 
Way to go Rep. Krug!! What a way to keep your seat all the while your party does what it wants to anyway. Anyone think big business will lose this one? By the way, property rights tea party activists and conservative voters are missing in action on this one too. So, leave it up to liberal conservation minded Wisconsinites to protect our God given right to water:
Nancy Koch, who's fighting the dairy operation planned for Saratoga, says "Big ag is very influential in the state of Wisconsin. It's the stripping of the rights away of the individual citizen. Personally I think it's pathetic. Our groundwater supply is not unlimited."
No longer hiding behind “dog whistle” phrases or backroom deals, the business lobby in the state is pretty clear who government is supposed to serve, and is serving under Walker:

Scott Manley, vice president of government relations for Wisconsin Manufacturing and Commerce, said in a column: "The Legislature was right to short circuit activist litigation aimed at shutting down economic growth and job creation in key sectors of our economy."
Be a good Republican and buy your water in six packs.

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