Saturday, June 8, 2013

Walker to crowd, "People looking into state from outside...have false impression...(that) what we've done is about austerity."

As a preview to his reelection and possible run for president, Scott Walker is laying the groundwork  for a media data base of searchable lies and fictions for future press coverage, and trying out his carefully orchestrated misinformation campaign to his party friendly crowds. They appear to eat this stuff up.

He's already created the fiction that what he's done is working, and that out-of-state folks have the wrong impression of his governing style. That they mistakenly think Walker is pushing austerity. Hey, don't you know "prosperity" when you see it? WKOW:

Walker's unimpressive work so far simply mirrors what every other governor has done-balanced their budget. And those revenue increases? Walker is benefiting from Obama's policies and the gradual recovery from the Great Recession. That's all.

While every economic indicator shows us 49 for growth and 44 for jobs, Walker misleads the gullible press with opinion surveys that rely on corporate CEO's rating Wisconsin tops for business. Pure hyperbolic hearsay. Show me the actual numbers.

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