Thursday, February 7, 2013

Will Republicans Vilify Government for Stopping their Environmentally Destructive Mining Bill?

Even though a recent Gallup poll pointed out Wisconsinites identify themselves as Democrats over Republican, 45.5 to 41.4 (4.1 advantage), the legislature isn't acting like it. The authoritarian takeover and winner-take-all Republicans don’t give a rats ass.

When they’re not in power they’ll have to live with the standard they've set for future majorities, total belittlement of the minority party.
WSJ: Spurning numerous amendments posed by Democrats, Republicans on Assembly and Senate mining committees Wednesday approved rewrites of Wisconsin's iron mining laws.

Democrats on both committees failed to get approval for any of their proposed amendments.
Get ready for Republicans to blame “government regulations” and “bureaucracy”  for stopping their god awful environmentally disastrous mining bill. Passing lousy bills only helps their party hammer big bad government. Not bad if you can get away with it, and they are. Heaven forbid we protect groundwater and wildlife:
State Sen. Bob Jauch, D-Poplar, said the Republican bill will invite lawsuits and years-long delays in mining because it still includes broad exemptions from water laws that violate constitutional protections for the state's lakes, streams and wetlands.

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