Wednesday, January 2, 2013

As if he were stinkin' drunk, Boehner pointed at Reid, and said, "Go F**k Yourself." Republicans never resort to name calling do they?

Republican Party thugs and bullies can't seem to take the heat, or the hard ball game of politics anymore. They're whiny victims and scared insecure wimps. 

The leader of them all resides in the House. Speaker John Boehner not only looks like a 50's TV con artist and alcoholic, he talks like one (Gig Young comes to mind).
Politico: It was only a few days before the nation would go over the fiscal cliff, no bipartisan agreement was in sight, and Reid had just publicly accused Boehner of running a “dictatorship” in the House and caring more about holding onto his gavel than striking a deal.

“Go f— yourself,” Boehner sniped as he pointed his finger at Reid, according to multiple sources present.

Reid, a bit startled, replied: “What are you talking about?”

Boehner repeated: “Go f— yourself.”
Gee, I wonder how right wing talkers would have reacted if Pelosi or Reid said the same thing?

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